
Valid grounds to contest a will

Sometimes when an individual pass away and leaves a will, controversy arises over whether the will should be contested or not. Family members may find themselves being standing against each other if the will is disputed. While no one wants to be in such a position of contesting a will NSW, sometimes there are valid reasons to do that. If you believe that a will is invalid for one or the other reason, and you are a potential beneficiary, then it may be in your best interest to contest the will. Will Dispute Lawyers can always guide in this regard. 

Who can contest a will?

Before submitting a reason for contesting a will NSW, it is important to know whether you are even eligible for it. In order to be eligible, you must have some stake in the outcome of the will. Perhaps, you are a beneficiary but feel that you should have been given a higher share, or you may feel left out of the will completely but believe you entitled to be included or would have been included under inheritance law. If you stand to gain financially from contesting a will NSW, you will likely be permitted to submit a contest if you want to. 

Criteria for contest 

There are multiple reasons that an eligible individual may contest a will. Some of the valid reasons for opposing a will include:

Undue influence: Through threat, blackmail, bribery or other influence, an individual convinced the testator to change the will or to write a will that can benefit the offending individual. Consider taking the help of Will Dispute Lawyers in such cases. 

Fraud: The testator did not actually create the will being submitted, the signature of the testator was forged. There could be a possibility that the testator was tricked into thinking that he/she was signing a different document than a will. 

Mental incapacity: The testator was not “of sound mind” to write or sign the will.

Lastly, before Contesting A Will NSW, you should consider taking the help of professional Will Dispute Lawyers. They are expert in this particular area of law and will be able to provide you thorough guidance. 


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