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Valid grounds to contest a will

Sometimes when an individual pass away and leaves a will, controversy arises over whether the will should be contested or not. Family members may find themselves being standing against each other if the will is disputed. While no one wants to be in such a position of contesting a will NSW, sometimes there are valid reasons to do that. If you believe that a will is invalid for one or the other reason, and you are a potential beneficiary, then it may be in your best interest to contest the will. Will Dispute Lawyers can always guide in this regard.  Who can contest a will? Before submitting a reason for contesting a will NSW, it is important to know whether you are even eligible for it. In order to be eligible, you must have some stake in the outcome of the will. Perhaps, you are a beneficiary but feel that you should have been given a higher share, or you may feel left out of the will completely but believe you entitled to be included or would have been included under inheritanc...

Reduce family disputes with these estate planning tips

Family disputes, unfortunately, are a common occurrence nowadays. It will not be wrong to say that death can separate or unite the families and disputes often arise when decedents do not engage in estate planning. 

While estate planning cannot prevent family disputes over inheritance but it can always minimise the risk of heirs contesting the will and ensure heirs receive the intended inheritance. The level of estate planning strategies required depends on multiple factors including the number of heirs, type and value of owned assets, and state probate laws. Inheritance Dispute Solicitors also provide assistance in such cases. 

Every estate is required to undergo the probate process unless assets are protected by a trust but some states exempt small estates from undergoing probate. Executing a last will and testament is essential because it provides clear estate settlement directives containing clear guidelines for estate distribution. Wills are also crucial for those who have minor children because then they have to appoint legal guardianship to avoid Contesting A Will NSW. Other important directives can include burial preferences, disinheritance of heirs, and charitable donations or gifts. 

If substantial family strife occurs then it is smart to work with Inheritance Dispute Solicitors. They can help individuals determine which options are best suited for protecting inheritance property in a legally secured way. When estates are required to undergo probate, a personal legal representative is typically appointed to settle the estate. 

There are times when personal representatives are family members, but this can cause other problems when family dysfunction exists. It can be beneficial to appoint a neutral party such as Inheritance Dispute Solicitors to settle the estate. Although it can be expensive to hire such professionals it can prove beneficial in a long run. 

Hence, you must invest a good amount of time in finding a reputed and experienced lawyer, who can understand your particular problems and provide you needed legal solutions. 


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