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Valid grounds to contest a will

Sometimes when an individual pass away and leaves a will, controversy arises over whether the will should be contested or not. Family members may find themselves being standing against each other if the will is disputed. While no one wants to be in such a position of contesting a will NSW, sometimes there are valid reasons to do that. If you believe that a will is invalid for one or the other reason, and you are a potential beneficiary, then it may be in your best interest to contest the will. Will Dispute Lawyers can always guide in this regard.  Who can contest a will? Before submitting a reason for contesting a will NSW, it is important to know whether you are even eligible for it. In order to be eligible, you must have some stake in the outcome of the will. Perhaps, you are a beneficiary but feel that you should have been given a higher share, or you may feel left out of the will completely but believe you entitled to be included or would have been included under inheritanc...

A brief introduction to contesting a will

With death being a certain uncertainty, one of the fears of people who have crossed their retirement age is about what is going to happen to their loved ones, once they are gone from this world. However, we can still determine how our assets will be distributed and to whom they will be distributed by writing a will. An expert will dispute lawyers can help you with this. 

A will is a legal document that outlines someone’s final wishes, which usually pertain to their dependents and possessions. It specifies what is going to happen to the possessions and to whom they will be given once the person dies. There can be times when those who are left behind get into a dispute particularly on the distribution of assets. 

Contesting a Will

Unfortunately, it can happen that designated heirs of a dead person’s estate can get into disputes about the will left by the deceased. Contested will disputes are generally complex in nature and not to mention stressful for the contesting parties. They may raise issues of relationships between the deceased and his/her family members, sometimes making it emotionally wrenching. Generally, designated heirs who contest wills and estates are the ones who seek a higher share of the deceased’s estate. They often take the assistance of Inheritance Lawyer Sydney. There are also those who have been left out of a will and feel that deserve some share, so they bring a claim against the estate of the deceased.

Who is eligible to contest a will?

This may depend on which country or location in which the will is being contested. However, generally, spouses, grandchildren, children, and other close members of the deceased’s family are eligible to contest a will. Will Dispute Lawyers can provide further guidance in this regard. Those who challenge a will do so under the belief that it may have been done with a lack of testamentary capacity or undue influence. It is better to take the assistance of Inheritance Lawyer Sydney as they have knowledge of this. 


  1. Wills and estates lawyers play a vital role during a recession. They help people distribute their assets responsibly and in a controlled manner. For more information on wills dispute lawyers click here.


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